Schulenburg American Legion McBride Post 143

Every year Post 143 ensures that every veteran in local cemeteries is remembered on Memorial Day with a flag placed on their grave.  In 2022 we placed over 1,100 flags! 

We are honored to donate our time to honor these outstanding men and women, but the flags cost money.  And with over 1,100 graves we need to provide that many flags.  Our budget for flags is typically around $1,100 a year, which we raise through donations.

100% of your donation goes to purchasing flags for Memorial Day and your donation is greatly appreciated!

To make a donation you can send a check to the post at the below address and mention on your check it is for the Memorial Day Flag Fund.

Make your check payable to:

American Legion Post 143

Mail to:

American Legion Post 143

Attn: Memorial Day Flag Fund

P.O. Box 441

Schulenburg, TX. 78956-0441